Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Possibility of joyous storytelling

Storytelling is synonymous with children and parents joyous  and loving moments. It is simple and attainable. Enter a room of riotous children and shout, “Anyone wants to hear a good story?” Surely, all will sit around you and quietly listen. Storytelling is the easiest way to pacify children.

Storytelling stimulates family bonding that creates unity among family members. Storytelling makes Children’s I.Q. and E.Q. well developed that equips them to meet the challenges of their coming adult life,  challenges of their chosen profession and their family life responsibilities. Storytelling creates a pleasing personality and friendly child. Storytelling helps children learn fast! Storytelling makes children more dependable!

The Storytelling power of influence in child’s character development lies supremely to the type of story used.Stories told to children influence their attitude and behavior. The best stories to use for are Bible stories. Bible stories develop Christlike character.
The books of choices for Bible storytelling session are The Bible Story of Arthur S. Maxwell and My Bible Friends of Etta Degering. These books present the Holy Bible alive, interesting, lovable character building book for kids. 

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