Monday, July 30, 2012

BEWARE: You're the Next!

0SPEED! Act Now! You and your family's life is at risk 24/7. Dengue and other deadly diseases are swift, insidious,brutal and merciless  human predators.

No time to lose! Don't be late! Death may occur in you family.

Protect your family!

Read to acquire right knowledge and proper know- how.

Paula Nelson said, " Reading is the cheapest, quickest way to become an expert on virtually any subject you might be interested in."

AMAZING HEALING PLANTS in your quickest, fastest and appropriate protection against deadly diseases.


1. Amazing Healing Plants has health ideas that can be translated into money making venture:
a. Amazing Healing Plants will tell you what plant to plant in your garden that will transform your garden as one source of income for your family by propagating plants and sell them in pots to neighborhood, friends and others;
b. Amazing Healing Plants has simple manual on how to process plants as health or  food supplements.

Remember, heath or wellness products are highly in demand and command huge money making potential.

In addition with,  will make your home kitchen and garden as Natural Drug Depot.

2. Amazing Healing Plants will make your doctor's prescription for illness more effective due to the right combination of " botika drugs" and natural remedies. A combination of " natural"  remedies" and " botika" drugs is a much more powerful action or intervention against any illnesses. WRONG! Being 100% synthetic drug dependent.

3. Amazing Healing Plants is  more than an Insurance Health Family Protector. It will cover your family and children against any exorbitant " botika" drugs and doctor's fess by lessening much your visit  to doctor even hospital confinement. Because, its divine appointed rules if applied will strengthen your family and children's immune system against any diseases.

4. Amazing Healing Plants at home serves as Naturopathic or Ayurvedic Physician guiding you in using herbal or medicinal plants.

Is Amazing Healing Plants really reliable and effective?

The plant material contained in Amazing Healing Plants has been researched, studied and passed through thorough scientific testing and evaluation for nearly three decades for the best interest of humanity's wellness. This is the reason this book was named Amazing Healing Plants; Amazing Healing Plants was authored or written by Dr. JC Kurian

Who is Dr. JC Kurian?

He is a botany professor in over 35 years . He has a Doctorate ( Ph.D.) in Medical Anthropology and he has been awarded D.Sc. ( Doctor of Science) at an international congress for  his extensive work and publications on medicinal plants. He is at present associate vice resident for academic research and professor  in the field of Ethnobotany and Medical Anthropology at Asia- Pacific International University in Thailand.

Dr. JC Kurian is an authority, reliable and expert figure in the field of medicinal plants!

These are some of the thousands amazing, powerful health ideas written in Amazing Healing Plants

1. Watermelon
Q. Anong ginagawa mo usually sa buto ng Pakwan?
a. tinatapon
b. piniprito
c. itinatanim

Ang sagot ay a. tinatapon                      But watermelon seeds are not to be thrown out because watermelon seeds according to Amazing Healing Plants, volume 1, page 54 if eaten together with the ripe fruit can reduce arterial hypertension and inflammation of prostate. And, seeds roasted and ground makes a good emulsion for the inflammation of the urinary tract.

The juice of the ripe fruit helps in dissolving kidney and bladder stones.

2. Papaya
Q. Anong ginagawa mo usually sa buto ng Papaya?

a. tinatapon
b. piniprito
c. itinatanim

The answer is a. tinatapon

The Papaya seeds, according to Amazing Healing Plants, volume1, page 41, are an antidote for cancer, to kill or expel worms, from the body, to clena the stomach and helps in the proper functioning of the liver, remedy against tuberculosis, promotes menstrual flow.

The ripe fruits eaten with seeds is good for all stomach and bowel diseases and also diabetes, asthma, jaundice, cough, chest problems and duodenal ulcers.

3. Soy Beans
" Nakakalbo ka na ba?"
The application of the crushed sprouted seeds promotes the growth of hair , in the case of baldness.
When the oil is applied over the head it removes dandruff.

For Diabetes:
The consumption of soya bean is recommended for diabetes.

For Rheumatism:
The consumption of sprouted seeds is also recommended for rheumatism.

4. Banana
" The unripe banana is good article in the diet for those who suffer from diabetes and splitting of blood. In the form of  dried powder, the green is recommended for diarrhea. It also prevents or cures scurvy. In the case of indigestion, flatulence and accumulation of acid in the body, this powder is used with good result." Amazing Healing Plants, volume 1, page 101.

" In cases of anemia, the banana is a special food  which is useful in cases of weaknesses and general loss of strength. For this, use 2 bananas the first day, 3 the second day, 4 bananas and so on until the 15th day. Then, the quantity can be reduced by 2 bananas a day until the amount of 2 fruits for a day is reached. The ripe banana is used with good results in inflamed colon and diseases of the rectum." Amazing Healing Plants, vol.1, page 101.

Is Amazing Healing Plants really easy to use?


1. Amazing Healing Plants has 303 counts of Medicinal plants . Each plant is accompanied by lifelike photographs, Medicinal Use, How to Use, What plant part to use, Description, English and Scientific Name. The book describes those plants that are available in the Tropical Regions of the World, in which the Philippines is included. There, majority of the plants are available in the Philippines.

2. The book is written in Reader's Friendly format and the language used is Simple English.

3. Majority of plant names has English, Tagalog and Visayan and Ilocanoi Translation.

4. The book lists 218 known Human Diseases that can be cured or managed by medicinal plants.

5. The book has supportive and useful indexes:

a. how to use plant material as medicine
b. index of ailments
c. index of botanical name
d. glossary
e. index of English names of plants
 f. comprehensive index of plants in various languages
g. active principles of various plants
h. index of plant names in English, Tagalog, Visayan and Ilocano

6. Amazing Healing Plants is hardbound and wioth Mylar covering. It is laminated and glossy.
7. It has more than 400 pages.

Amazing Healing Plants
By Dr. JC Kurian

contact: Melody Tolentino
09322669455 ( sun)/ 09287138185 ( smart)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Possibility of joyous storytelling

Storytelling is synonymous with children and parents joyous  and loving moments. It is simple and attainable. Enter a room of riotous children and shout, “Anyone wants to hear a good story?” Surely, all will sit around you and quietly listen. Storytelling is the easiest way to pacify children.

Storytelling stimulates family bonding that creates unity among family members. Storytelling makes Children’s I.Q. and E.Q. well developed that equips them to meet the challenges of their coming adult life,  challenges of their chosen profession and their family life responsibilities. Storytelling creates a pleasing personality and friendly child. Storytelling helps children learn fast! Storytelling makes children more dependable!

The Storytelling power of influence in child’s character development lies supremely to the type of story used.Stories told to children influence their attitude and behavior. The best stories to use for are Bible stories. Bible stories develop Christlike character.
The books of choices for Bible storytelling session are The Bible Story of Arthur S. Maxwell and My Bible Friends of Etta Degering. These books present the Holy Bible alive, interesting, lovable character building book for kids. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What contains Health and Home that makes the Philippines subscribe?

Well, no wonder why Health and Home  thrived for over 50 years. It contains priceless benefits that you can utilize. In it are principles about Health not just a mere "How-to." H&H has the following benefits, namely;

1. Health and Wellness
 2. Livelihood
3. Love, Marriage and Courtship
4. Biblical Exposition; Non- doctrinal 
5. Smart Parenting
6. Good Housekeeping
7. Biographies of celebrity worthy of emulation
.8. Trivia: Students and Professionals' reference
9. Free Consultation column: Lawyer, M.D., Nutritionist, Family Counselors, others.
10. Health and Home is 100% guaranteed!!!!

Subscribe Now!!!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

the magazines you must have!!!

Why Bible Stories for Children?

With it's 1,500 full-color Picrures, This book will help children to love the Bible 
trough Stories rold in a Delightful way and to learn 
character-building values. 
Each story is written in a language that is easy to understand. 
This Book will surely help Parents build real 
men and women and strong Leaders out of their boys and girls.

Why Bible Stories for Children?

1. Faith in God. Roman 10:17 said, "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."

2. Good-Work-Act only. 2Timothy 3:16-17 said, "All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

Psalms 127:3 said. "Sons are Heritage from the Lord, Children are a reward from Him."
Children are the Gifts and Blessings from God. Due to these reasons, children deserve total loving care.
From this Book Dare to Discipline, Dr. James Dobson said. “Children also need to taught self discipline and responsible behavior. They need assistance in learning how to handle the challenges and obligations of living. They must learn the art of self control. They should be equipped with personal strength need to meet the demands imposed on them by their school, peer group and later adult responsibilities."

Happy reading!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Amazing Healing Plants

aWe are all accustomed to buy synthetic medicines on drugstores whenever we feel sick. But brothers and sisters, beware! We are all [ too] informed that those drugs contain poisonous substance that could lead us to a more serious illness when taken excessively. So we are so much careful on using those drugs. We are bound to use those products with limitations. Friends, I know a remedy that could really heal us. Not can only relieve pain but heals us thoroughly and the healing that it can bring is lifetime. Adds life to your years and years to your life. I recommend Amazing Healing Plants. Written by JC Kurian, a botanist who thoroughly studied plants  35 years. Guys, I heard of life- changing stories of how people appreciates this amazing book.

A pastor's child was confined in a hospital. The child acquired Dengue fever. And that pastor had wasted all his money buying all the  drugs that the doctor told him necessary. The pastor fainted and could not think of how his child may live yet. In despair someone sold him Amazing Healing Plants. He scrutinized the books and found that only "Buko" ( coconut fruit) can do the healing. 
He bought coconut and blendered it together with the juice and the flesh. He gave to his child and they examine the child's blood platelet.
And by the grace of God the child was brought home sooner after.
Thanks to the book!
Know more about the plants that can cure!

Happy reading!
